Our Solution

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The distillation technology employed in producing the bioethanol has been well proven
in the world for over 100 years ago.

Plants are available in three standard sizes:-

Plants processing up to 50,000 or 90,000 tonnes of waste per year are supplied with one EfW processing chamber including semi-automatic sorting. A plant processing up to 200,000 tonnes of waste per year is supplied with two EfW processing chambers and includes fully automatic sorting equipment.

  • The resultant sanitized biomass is used as the ‘feedstock’ to be distilled into high yield bioethanol
  • Lignin, a by-product of the process, is formed into brickettes to fuel the steam boilers that run the plant
  • Solar panels are included in the structure of the roof to generate electricity and insure a totally green technology
  • Metals and plastics are recycled and sold for extra revenue

The patented EfW processors are neither sealed nor pressurised, this safety design element is specifically incorporated in order to eliminate any risk of high pressure explosions.

...Imagine creating energy from waste.